The Seasons of Life and Legacy With Jordan Cornett

Jordan Cornett, an NBC Sports broadcaster and former athlete, reflects on the various 'seasons' of his life

EPISODE 6: The Seasons of Life and Legacy With Jordan Cornett

In this episode of Finding 44, Jordan Cornett, an NBC Sports broadcaster and former athlete, reflects on the various ‘seasons’ of his life, balancing a demanding sports media career with his roles as a father, husband, and leader of the Joel Cornett Foundation. 

Jordan discusses the importance of family and the lasting impact of his late brother Joel, who inspired the foundation’s mission to provide educational opportunities and study sudden cardiac arrest. He shares poignant memories of his brother, the foundation’s achievements, and the enduring dedication of its supporters. 

Additionally, Jordan talks about his journey from sports to broadcasting and the guiding principles instilled by his family that helped him succeed.

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