Bulldogs are Back!

Inspiring Moments with Butler's Pierre Brooks and Patrick McCaffery

EPISODE 1: Bulldogs are Back! Inspiring Moments with Butler’s Pierre Brooks and Patrick McCaffery

Fall is upon us – and while football gets the early headlines this time of year…it will soon be time for tip off, buzzer beaters and brackets. Before they’re packing Hinkle Fieldhouse for a new season of Butler Basketball, seniors Pierre Brooks and Patrick McCaffery share how they’re building bonds with teammates, finding purpose with their platforms in college sports, and how connecting with kids in the community have shaped both their perspectives. Project 44 had the opportunity to partner with Pierre last season, and are excited to welcome him back, along with Patrick, a new addition to the All Good Dawgs roster. Listeners, we present to you, Pierre Brooks and Patrick McCaffery, All Good Dawgs, and Champions for Change.

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